Provost Questions
Below is a list of the seven Provost questions used in all course evaluations. Likert questions have answer options on a scale of 1. Strongly Disagree to 5. Strongly Agree.
- The average number of hours per week I spent outside of class preparing for this course was:
Type: Multiple Choice
Choices:- Less than 1
- 1 - 3
- 4 - 6
- 7 - 9
- 10 or more
- I learned a great deal in this course.
Type: Likert
- Overall, this was a worthwhile course.
Type: Likert
- The course's goals and requirements were defined and adhered to by the instructor.
Type: Likert
- The instructor was approachable and made himself/herself available to students outside the classroom.
Type: Likert
- Overall, the instructor was an effective teacher.
Type: Likert
- Please make any overall comments or observations about this course.
Type: Short Answer