Recent Updates
Updated on: Nov 12, 2021
How do I allow a student to retake a test or quiz?
Manual Site Tools -
Updated on: Nov 12, 2021
How do I attach files from My Resources to submissions in my other sites?
Manual For Students -
Updated on: Nov 12, 2021
What is My Resources in Home?
Manual For Students -
Updated on: Nov 11, 2021
What is the Resources quota?
Each site's Resources has a quota. That is, a limit to the amount of Resources storage space. The default quota for a UVaCollab site's Resources is 4 GB.
Requests for additional space may be sent to [email protected]. Please be sure to include the name of your site and the reason for requesting additional space.
You can see how much of your Resources quota you are using on the Check Quota page.
Manual Site Tools -
Updated on: Nov 11, 2021
How do I reply to a forum post (in a conversation)?
Manual Site Tools -
Updated on: Nov 09, 2021
How do I subscribe to receive email notifications from forums and topics?
The Watch option notifies you of recent posts on the Forums.
Note: New post notifications will be sent to the user's email address, not via the Messages tool.
Manual Communication -
Updated on: Nov 04, 2021
How do I grade Tests & Quizzes submissions by question?
Most question types in Tests & Quizzes are automatically graded by the system. However, you will need to manually score short answer/essay questions, file uploads, and audio recordings. You may also adjust the auto-graded scores, add comments, or give partial credit.
If you would like to send your assessment scores to the Gradebook so that they can be included in the course grade calculation or allow students to see an answer key or other feedback in Tests & Quizzes, see What are the Grading and Feedback options for an assessment?
For more information on making grade adjustments to overall scores, including assigning scores to students with no submission, or grading by student, see the following articles:
- How do I grade Tests & Quizzes?
- How do I give same score (e.g. 0) to all students with no submission to an assessment?
- How do I grade Tests & Quizzes submissions by student?
- How do I download Tests & Quizzes submissions for grading offline?
- Tests & Quizzes will NOT automatically grade students with no submission. If a student who did not submit an assessment should receive a grade of 0, you'll need to enter a 0 for their grade.
- Comments cannot be added within the Tests & Quizzes tool for students with no submission and they do not have access to feedback for assessments they did not submit. If you'd like to provide comments to a student with no submission, you might upload a file with comments to their folder in Drop Box. If you'd like to print an answer key to an assessment to provide to students who did not submit, see How do I print an assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?
- Once a grade has been saved for a student in Tests & Quizzes, you cannot delete the grade to remove it from the student's course grade. If you inadvertently assign a score to a student who should not have received one for an assessment, and the assessment score is being sent to the Gradebook, you will need to remove the assessment score from the student's final grade using a Grade Exclusion in the Gradebook.
Manual Assessments & Grading -
Updated on: Nov 04, 2021
How do I grade Tests & Quizzes submissions by student?
Most question types in Tests & Quizzes are automatically graded by the system. However, you will need to manually score short answer/essay questions, file uploads, and audio recordings. You may also adjust the auto-graded scores, add comments, or give partial credit.
If you would like to send your assessment scores to the Gradebook so that they can be included in the course grade calculation or allow students to see an answer key or other feedback in Tests & Quizzes, see What are the Grading and Feedback options for an assessment?
For more information on making grade adjustments to overall scores, including assigning scores to students with no submission, or grading by question, see the following articles:
- How do I grade Tests & Quizzes?
- How do I give the same score (e.g. 0) to all students with no submission to an assessment?
- How do I grade Tests & Quizzes submissions by question?
- How do I download Tests & Quizzes submissions for grading offline?
- Tests & Quizzes will NOT automatically grade students with no submission. If a student who did not submit an assessment should receive a grade of 0, you'll need to enter a 0 for their grade.
- Comments cannot be added within the Tests & Quizzes tool for students with no submission and they do not have access to feedback for assessments they did not submit. If you'd like to provide comments to a student with no submission, you might upload a file with comments to their folder in Drop Box. If you'd like to print an answer key to an assessment to provide to students who did not submit, see How do I print an assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?
- Once a grade has been saved for a student in Tests & Quizzes, you cannot delete the grade to remove it from the student's course grade. If you inadvertently assign a score to a student who should not have received one for an assessment, and the assessment score is being sent to the Gradebook, you will need to remove the assessment score from the student's final grade using a Grade Exclusion in the Gradebook.
Manual Assessments & Grading -
Updated on: Nov 04, 2021
How do I grade in Tests & Quizzes?
Manual Site Tools -
Updated on: Nov 01, 2021
How do I post to a forum?
Forums are organizational units that group topics within the site. You cannot post directly to a forum; you must first enter a topic and post your message there.
In order to post to a forum topic, you will Start a New Conversation or thread.
Manual Communication