How do I grade Tests & Quizzes submissions by student?
Most question types in Tests & Quizzes are automatically graded by the system. However, you will need to manually score short answer/essay questions, file uploads, and audio recordings. You may also adjust the auto-graded scores, add comments, or give partial credit.
For information on other grading options, such as how to enter scores for students who did not submit, or how to grade by question, see How do I grade Tests & Quizzes?
Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Select Tests & Quizzes from the tool menu in your site.
Select the Published Copies tab.

Select the Published Copies tab to view the assessments that have been released to students in your site.
Go to the assessment submissions.

- Select the Actions menu for the assessment.
- Select Scores.
- Alternatively, you may select the number of student submissions in the Submitted column to view the submissions.
View Total Scores and additional information.

Once students have submitted an assessment, the Total Scores page displays:
- Columns with the student's Name and User ID (UVA computing ID or non-UVA email address), or a column with an anonymous Submission ID number if the Anonymous Grading option was enabled in the assessment's settings.
- The Role of the person who submitted (e.g., Student in a course site or Member in a collaboration site).
- The Submit Date. This column indicates the timestamp of submission if the student submitted the assessment by selecting the Submit for Grading button, or the assessment was automatically submitted when the timer expired on an assessment with a time limit. However, if there is a marker under this date that indicates AUTO-SUBMIT in red, the Submit Date is the last time the student saved work in the assessment. For more information, see How does Automatic Submission work in Tests & Quizzes?
- The amount of Time spent on the assessment if the assessment had a time limit.
- The initial score each student received for auto-graded questions (such as multiple choice and true false).
You will need to manually score other question types such as short answer/essay questions, file uploads, and audio recordings. After grading these questions, the scoring changes will be reflected on the Total Scores screen.
Note: If you are a Teaching Assistant in the course, and no submission information appears on the Total Scores page, an instructor in the site will need to follow the steps to allow you to grade.
Display multiple submissions for student(s) (Optional).

By default, the submission that displays for each student will be based on your assessment's Recorded Score setting. For example, if you accept the highest score, the highest scoring submission will display. If you accept the average score, the average point value of all the student's submissions will display.
If your assessment allows multiple submissions, or if a student has submitted a retake, you can view all student submissions by selecting All Submissions from the View drop-down menu.
Select a student.

Select the student's name to view their submission.
Note: If a student has made multiple submissions to the assessment, you must select the student's name to the left of a specific submission to view it.
View and enter grades/comments for the individual student.
On the individual student's submission screen, you may enter or modify grades and comments for any of the questions in the assessment as described below. You may also add attachments to provide additional feedback for a particular question if desired.
- To allow students to access comments entered for the assessment overall, Grader's Comments will need to be selected in the Feedback Settings. To allow students to see comments or attachments you enter for a specific question, Grader's Comments AND Student Response will need to be selected in the Feedback Settings.
- Once a grade has been saved for a student in Tests & Quizzes, you cannot delete the grade to remove it from the student's course grade in the Gradebook. If you inadvertently assign a score to a student who should not have received one for an assessment, and the assessment score is being sent to the Gradebook, you will need to remove the assessment score from the student's final grade using a Grade Exclusion.
Enter comments for the assessment overall.

You can use the Comments for Student box at the top of the student's grading screen to add comments regarding the student's performance.
Tip: If you have recently saved comments in Tests & Quizzes, Gradebook, or Discussions, type a few letters from one of your comments and an auto-fill option will appear to select and reuse it.
View and enter grades and comments for individual questions.
Each question will display with the automatic score the student received and the student's response. Automatically-graded questions, such as Multiple Choice, True False, and Matching, will also include an Answer Key.
Enter grades and comments for manually-graded questions.

For manually-graded questions, including short answer/essay, file upload, or student audio response questions, the automatic score will always be 0 points.
- Review the student's response to the question. Responses display for the different types of questions as follows:
- Short Answer/Essay - The student's answer will display underneath the question text.
- File Upload - A link will be available that you can select to download the submitted files.
- Student Audio Response - Depending on your internet browser settings, you will either have the option to play back the student's response underneath the question text or download the file to play in a media player on your computer.
- Enter a score in the corresponding Points box.
- If desired, you can use the Comments for Student box to provide feedback on their answer.
- You also have the option of attaching file(s) with feedback. To upload a file, select Add Attachments.
Tip: You can download file upload submissions from multiple students simultaneously by following the steps in How do I download submissions to file upload questions?
View and/or edit automatically-graded questions' scores and add comments (optional).

- If desired, you can modify an automatically-graded score by entering a new score in the corresponding Points box.
- You can use the Comments for Student box to provide feedback on their answer.
- You also have the option of attaching file(s) with feedback. To upload a file, select Add Attachments.
Save your changes.

Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Save.
View new scores.

On the Total Scores screen, the student's score will now include the points awarded for manually-graded questions.