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Updated on: Dec 23, 2021
How does a group assignment work?
Manual Assessments & Grading -
Updated on: Dec 23, 2021
How do I create groups?
Groups are subsets of participants for a given worksite in UVaCollab. Groups can be created on an ad hoc basis by instructors in course sites or by owners or administrators in collaboration sites. Groups are useful to organize study groups, project teams, and other non-official subsets of worksite participants. In course sites, each course roster section behaves like a group. i.e., group-aware tools recognize the section as a group.
You may create groups in your site in several different ways:
- Manually create and assign users to a group.
- Create joinable groups that site participants can elect to join.
- Automatically generate groups by user role, number of groups per site, or number of users per group.
- Import group information from a file.
WARNING: If an assignment or assessment has been released to groups, changing which groups have access to the assignment, or modifying or deleting a group after students have begun work on the assignment or assessment can result in the loss of submissions!
- By default, those in the Teaching Assistant role in a site cannot create groups. If you are an instructor who would like for Teaching Assistants to be able to create groups in your site, please contact [email protected] and let us know the name of the site where you would like this permission added.
- Each SIS course roster is treated as a group; you do not need to create a group for your roster.
Manual Site Tools -
Updated on: Dec 23, 2021
How do I use groups?
Groups are subsets of participants for a given worksite in UVaCollab. Groups can be created on an ad hoc basis by instructors in course sites or by owners or administrators in collaboration sites. Groups are useful to organize study groups, project teams, and other non-official subsets of worksite participants. In course sites, each course roster section behaves like a group. i.e., group-aware tools recognize the section as a group.
You can use groups to make site content available to specific site participants. For example, a private announcement can be made available to a group and email notification can be sent to members of that group. You can also use groups to create group assignments, or limit access to a test or quiz with settings for specific groups.
For information on creating and editing groups, see How do I create groups?
WARNING: If an assignment or assessment has been released to groups, changing which groups have access to the assignment, or modifying or deleting a group after students have begun work on the assignment or assessment can result in the loss of submissions!
Manual Site Tools -
Updated on: Dec 17, 2021
How do I override a course grade in Gradebook?
Note: When manually entering a course grade, you must use the appropriate grade type for the gradebook in which you are working. For example, if the course is graded on a simple letter grade scale, you will only be able to enter the letters A, B, C, D, or F. If the course is graded on a standard letter grade scale, you will also be able to add + (plus sign) or - (minus sign) to the letter grade. If the course is graded on a Pass/Not pass scale, you will only be able to enter the letters P or N.
Manual Assessments & Grading -
Updated on: Dec 15, 2021
How do I view user activity in my site?
Manual Site Tools -
Updated on: Dec 09, 2021
How do I reuse content from one site in another site?
There are three different methods you can use to re-use content from multiple tools in sites. These include the following:
- During site creation, Re-use Material from Other Sites you Own,
- Create a new site that duplicates the tools and content from an existing site: Duplicate Site,
- Import content from one existing site to another: Import from Site.
You can also copy specific Resources items from one site to another, or export a specific assessment from Tests & Quizzes in one site, then import it into a new site:
With the exception of Resources items, which become available to participants in the new site immediately upon import, many imported items will be added to new sites in Draft form. You'll need to edit release dates on these items and Save, Publish, or Post them to make them available to students in your new site. Depending on the tools and activities in your site, some needed updates may include the following:
- Edit draft announcements and post each announcement in the Announcements tool.
- Click on Forum Settings for each draft forum in the Forums tool to post the forum, thereby making the forums and topics available to students in the site.
- Edit draft assignments, update delivery dates, and post each assignment draft in the Assignments tool. This will make the assignments available to students in the new site.
- Change the available and due dates on assessments in the Tests & Quizzes tool and publish them.
- Optionally, you may want to edit items in your site’s Gradebook tool to release them to students, as you deem appropriate.
Manual Getting Started -
Updated on: Dec 08, 2021
How do I allow another instructor to copy my course content?
Manual Getting Started -
Updated on: Dec 08, 2021
Tips for Teaching Online in Zoom
Manual Communication -
Updated on: Nov 29, 2021
How does Gradebook calculate grades with an equal weight category?
Manual Site Tools -
Updated on: Nov 23, 2021
How do I navigate forums and topics?
Manual For Students