Site Tools
Site Settings
- What is the Site Settings tool?
- How do I edit the site information?
- How do I add a tool to my site?
- How do I remove a tool from my site?
- How do I enable and use LaTeX math in my site?
- How do I rearrange or rename the items in the tool menu?
- How do I hide or show items in the tool menu?
- How do I manually add people to my site?
- How do I remove people from my course or collaboration site?
- How do I recover missing content from participants who have left my site?
- How do I change participant roles within a site?
- How do I add a class roster?
- How do I remove a class roster?
- How do I use the Date Manager to edit dates for items across tools in the site?
- How do I create groups?
- How do I use groups?
- How do I join a group?
- How do I unjoin a group?
- How do I control site access?
- How do I import content from one site to another?
- What is the User Audit Log?
- How do I transfer ownership of a site?