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How do I create folders in File Drop?
Updated on: Oct 05, 2021
Site participants can create folders in File Drop to organize files within the personal File Drop folders of students and collaboration site members. Students and collaboration site members only have access to folders within their own File Drop. View the steps for students and site members to create folders. Instructors and site administrators can access each student's or member's folder, and create additional folders within the File Drop folder for a specific student or member. View the steps for instructors and site administrators to create folders. -
How do I edit Gradebook permissions for Teaching Assistants?
By default, the Gradebook permissions for those in the Teaching Assistant (TA) role in a site are controlled by each TA's membership in groups (e.g., rosters with an assigned TA or groups an instructor creates in which they add a TA). TAs have the ability to enter and edit grades for students in their groups in any gradebook items that an Instructor or Secondary Instructor has created. Instructors may edit the Gradebook permissions to: Allow a TA to view, enter, and edit grades for all students in the site. Show or hide the students' course grades from a TA. Display grades to a TA, but not allow them to enter or edit grades. Allow a TA to view or enter grades for specific rosters or groups of students. Allow a TA to view or enter grades for items in specific gradebook categories (if items have been placed in categories). Remove all permissions so TAs cannot view or enter any grades. Note: Those in the Teaching Assistant role cannot be given permission to create or edit gradebook items, edit gradebook Settings, import or export spreadsheets from the Gradebook, or export grades to SIS. You may grant permission to any teaching assistants who need to perform these tasks by changing their role to Secondary Instructor, as described in How do I change participant roles within a site? -
How do I set up my Gradebook?
The Gradebook is the hub for all graded activities and points earned by students in your site. There are several settings you can configure for your Gradebook, such as Grade Entry in points or percentages, Grade Release Rules, Categories and Weighting, and Grading Schema. -
How do I add an item to the Gradebook?
Gradebook items are required to enter grades in the Gradebook. Add individual items within the Gradebook tool to enter grades for: Assignments, assessments, or projects completed outside of UVACollab Graded discussions from the Discussions tool. Participation Attendance Note: Those in the Teaching Assistant role in course sites do not have permission to add gradebook items. -
How do I edit or delete a gradebook item?
Edit a gradebook item to make changes to its original settings. For example, you can change whether an item's grades are released (available) to students, or assign an item to a category to include it in the course grade calculation. Delete a gradebook item to permanently remove the item and all associated grades. Note: Those in the Teaching Assistant role in course sites do not have permission to edit or delete gradebook items. -
How do I enter and/or edit grades in Gradebook?
You may enter grades and/or comments in the Gradebook for any items created using the Add Gradebook Item option. Note: For steps to add items, see How do I add an item to the Gradebook? -
How does extra credit work in Gradebook?
The Extra credit feature in Gradebook can be enabled for: Gradebook items or Categories. When you designate an item or a category as Extra credit, points a student earns in that item or category will be added on top of their overall grade. The grades of students who did not complete extra credit assignments will not be affected. -
How can instructors customize their Gradebook display?
Gradebook offers the following options for instructor to customize how it displays for them: Filtering the list of students, Ordering the list of students by first or last name, or grades, Showing or hiding the total score, Showing or hiding the grading schemas, Grouping or ungrouping items by category (in a gradebook with categories), Showing or hiding gradebook items, Reordering items. Note: These display changes do not affect the student view of Gradebook. For information about the student view, see: How do students view their grades in the Gradebook? -
How do I view an individual student's grades?
Updated on: Apr 05, 2022
Instructors can view each student's grade report in two formats: Grade Summary: A view of all grades (including a calculated course grade and hidden gradebook items) presented in a similar format to how the Gradebook displays for students. Student Review Mode: A preview of the student's view of Gradebook. -
How do I export grades from Gradebook?
Instructors may obtain a file in the proper import format by first exporting from the Gradebook and then using that file as a template. By exporting directly from the Gradebook, the file will contain the student information in your site, as well as any existing gradebook item information. There are two options for exporting your gradebook: Export Gradebook - A basic export includes all the students' names and IDs, and the grades and comments entered for each gradebook item. Custom Export - This option allows you to select additional items to include in the export, such as the total points, course grade, and course grade overrides. You can use a spreadsheet with grade overrides to import final letter grades to the Gradebook. Custom Export also has an option to download grades for a specific group of students, instead of the entire class. Use the exported file for offline management of grades OR for quickly creating several gradebook items at once. For more information on importing, see How do I format my file for importing grades into Gradebook?