How do I change options for Announcements (e.g., default email notification)?
You can modify the Announcements Options to choose:
- How announcements are displayed on the main page of Announcements,
- How many announcements are displayed,
- And your preferred default email notification setting for future announcements created and edited within the site (New feature!)
Go to Announcements.

Select Announcements from the tool menu in your site.
Select the Options tab.

Set Display Options.

Display Options for announcements include:
Sortable table view: This is the default display setting. It includes the following information in a table for each announcement:
- Subject - Each announcement's Subject is a link to view the full announcement.
- Saved By - The name of the person who last saved the announcement.
- Modified Date - When the announcement was last edited.
- For - The group(s) to whom the announcement is shown, the entire site, specific groups, or public.
- Beginning Date - The date at which the announcement was or will be shown, if it is set to display starting on a specific date.
- Ending Date - The date when the announcement was or will be hidden, if it is set to be hidden on a specific date.
- Sortable table view with announcement body: Selecting this option will display all of the information above, with an additional row under each announcement's subject and other details that includes the body of the announcement.
- List view with announcement body: Selecting this option will display each announcement's subject and body. The name of the person who last saved the announcement and the date when it was posted will be shown in parentheses below the subject and above the announcement body, e.g., if Instructor One posted an announcement, it would display (Instructor One - Mar 25, 2022 12:07 pm).
Note: Both Sortable table view options will allow site participants to sort announcements by any of the table columns (Subject, Saved By, etc.) The List view does not allow sorting.
Set Display Limits.

You can limit how many announcements are shown by entering a number in one of the following fields:
- Number of days in the past - This option will only display announcements posted recently, based on the number of days you enter.
- Number of announcements - This option will only display the specified number of announcements.
Note: Limiting the number of announcements affects all site participants, including site administrators. Depending on the number of announcements shown, Draft announcements may also be hidden from site administrators.
For example, if there are five announcements in your site, two of which are saved as drafts, and you limit the Number of announcements displayed to 3, you may not see the draft announcements to be able to edit and post them.
Select your default Email Notification option.

When posting an announcement, the initial default Email Notification option is None - No notification.
If you often use Announcements to send email to site participants, you may change the Email Notification option in your site to your preferred default. That way, it will be selected automatically when creating and editing announcements. Options include:
- High - All participants to send an email to everyone in the site (or to all members in the specified groups when displaying an announcement to specific groups).
- Low - Not received by those who have opted out to send to everyone except people who have intentionally changed their settings so that they do not receive low priority messages.
Select Update.

At the bottom of the page, select Update to save your changes.