What is the Site Email tool?
The Site Email tool allows instructors or site administrators to create an email address associated with their site. By default, email addressed to the site goes to the email addresses of all site participants. All email messages sent to your site's email address are stored in the Site Email tool's archive.
Users can set Preferences in Home to choose how often they want to receive messages that are sent to the email addresses for all sites of which they are a member. Options include receiving each email individually, receiving messages in digest mode, with all posts for the day sent in a single email message, or not receiving any emails at all. If they choose to receive no emails, they will be able to view messages within the Site Email tool, if the tool is visible to them in the site.
Note: You cannot use Site Email to send mail to particular individuals. To send messages to individual participants or a group, use either the Announcements tool or the Messages tool.
Note: For instructions on how to add this or any other tool to your site, see How do I add tools to my site?
To access this tool, select Site Email from the Tool Menu in your site.