How do I view statistics and grade in Discussions?

Site administrators can use the Statistics & Grading page in Discussions to review forum participation statistics and assign grades to students.

In this article, you will find more information about the statistics presented on the Statistics & Grading page.

You can grade in the Discussions tool by following the steps in the articles linked below.

Important: In order to grade in Discussions, you must have added a gradebook item in the Gradebook for each forum or topic to grade.

View Statistics & Grading by User.

Go to Discussions.

Select Discussions from the tool menu in your site.

Select Statistics & Grading.

On the Discussions main page, select the Statistics & Grading tab.

View and sort statistics by user.

A table listing site participants will display, with the following summary statistics for each user:

  1. Participant's name,
  2. Number of new posts authored,
  3. Number of replies authored,
  4. Total number of posts authored,
  5. Number of posts marked as read,
  6. Number of unread posts,
  7. The percentage of posts the person read.

You may sort the data in the table by selecting any of the column headings: Name, Authored - New, Authored - Replies, Authored - Total, Read, Unread, or Percent Read.

Select a site participant's name to access posts authored and read by that participant. For more information on grading by student, see How do I grade discussion forums by student?

Tip: For more information regarding the numbers of read and unread posts shown in these columns, see What makes a forum post count as read?

Export statistics by user.

Select the Download icon next to Statistics & Grading by User to export a spreadsheet of the table as a CSV file.

View Statistics & Grading by Topic.

Go to Discussions.

Select Discussions from the tool menu in your site.

Select Statistics & Grading.

On the Discussions main page, select the Statistics & Grading tab.

Select Statistics & Grading by Topic.

View and sort statistics by topic.

A list of forums and topics will display, with the following summary statistics for each topic:

  1. Title of the forum,
  2. Title of the discussion topic,
  3. Date of the most recent message in the topic,
  4. The total number of messages in the topic.

You may sort the data by selecting any of the column headings: Forum Title, Topic Title, Date, and Total Messages.

Select a forum or topic title to view authored, read, and unread post statistics. For more information on grading by forum or topic, see How do I grade by forum or topic?

Note: The grading process is the same whether you grade at the forum or topic level. However, most faculty prefer to grade by topic, since a forum may contain several different topics and each student may post more than one message in the same topic.

Export statistics by topic.

Select the Download icon next to Statistics & Grading by Topic to export a spreadsheet of the table as a CSV file.