How do I excuse a grade for a particular student?
You may use the Excuse/Include Grade option to exclude or include a grade from a student's course grade calculation. For example, if a student received a 0 for attendance on a day when they were sick, you could excuse the grade.
Note: Gradebook offers several options for automatically dropping grades from specific categories. For more information on these options, see the step to enable dropping or keeping grades in How do I set up my Gradebook?
Go to Gradebook.

Select Gradebook from the tool menu in your site.
Select Excuse/Include Grade.

Open the menu in the cell for the grade to exclude by selecting the down arrow icon and choose Excuse/Include Grade.
View excused grade.
An excused grade will display with strikethrough text and a calculator icon in its cell. You can select the icon to display an explanation that the Grade has been excused from grade calculations.
Note: If the gradebook item is also added to the Gradebook from another tool, such as Tests & Quizzes, a lock icon indicating where you need to go to edit scores for the item will also appear in the cell. For more information about items added to Gradebook from other tools, see How do I add and edit gradebook items from Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, or Lessons?