How do I change the numbering of assessment questions or parts?
You can edit an assessment to reorder its questions or parts.
Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Select the Tests & Quizzes tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Select the assessment to edit.

Select Edit from the Action drop-down menu for the assessment.
Note: Assessment editing must take place in the Working Copies tab or in the Published Copies tab before anyone accesses the assessment to take it.
Change the numbering for a question.
Select a Question number.

Locate the question to be renumbered. From the Question number drop-down menu, choose a new number. In the example pictured above, Question 1 is being changed to 2.
Select Update Order.

At the bottom of the screen, select the Update Order button to save changes to the question order.
Other question numbers adjust automatically.

The question with the edited number will move into the selected position, before or after the other assessment questions.
Change the numbering for a part.
If the assessment is organized into multiple parts, you can reorder the parts.
Select a Part number.

Locate the assessment part to be renumbered. From the Part number drop-down menu, choose a new number. In the example pictured above, Part 1 is being changed to 2.
Select Update Order.

At the bottom of the screen, select the Update Order button to save changes to the part order.
Other part numbers adjust automatically.

The part with the edited number will move into the selected position, before or after the other assessment parts.