How do I extend an assignment date for a specific student?
You may override an assignment's Accept Until date to extend the date for a specific student.
Go to Assignments.

Select Assignments from the tool menu in your site.
Select the Grade or View Submissions link.
For the assignment on which to grant the extension, select the corresponding Grade or View Submissions link. The text of the link depends on whether the assignment is graded or ungraded.
Override the assignment's Accept Until date.

- Scroll down near the bottom of the page and select the Override Accept Until Date checkbox.
- The assignment's Accept Until date will be automatically filled in the Accept Until date field that appears. Edit this date as needed.
Note: The assignment's due date will continue to display to the student, and their submission will be marked late in the grading screen if they submit after the due date.
Save your changes.

Select the Save and Don't Release to Student button to allow the student to submit the assignment until the new Accept Until date.