What is the Polls tool?
The Polls tool allows instructors to post and gather anonymous data in response to poll questions. Poll questions use the multiple choice format; each poll contains one question. Respondents may select one or more responses, depending on the configuration of the question.
Poll results may be released to respondents immediately, after voting, after a particular date, or they may be restricted to instructors or administrators alone.
There are no restrictions on the number of polls in a site. By default, polls must be created by instructors or administrators, but it is possible to modify the tool permissions to allow students or members to create polls as well.
Respondents may participate only once per poll; all responses are anonymous.
Note: For instructions to add this or any other tool to your site, see How do I add a tool to my site?
Polls features
- Set open and close dates for each poll.
- Require a minimum and/or maximum number of answer choices that can be selected per question.
- Unlimited polls per site.
To access this tool, select Polls from the tool menu in your site.