What is the Assignments tool?
The Assignments tool allows instructors to create, distribute, collect, and grade assignments online. Assignments are private between the instructor and student; individual student submissions and grades are not visible to other students. However, the instructor has the option to enable peer evaluation of assignments if desired.
While creating each assignment, instructors will use the form to set delivery dates, provide instructions, and include attachments of readings or related files needed for the assignment. The assignment will then be posted and available to students on the specified open date.
Students will access the assignment by clicking on the assignment link, either directly in the Assignments tool or via a link to the assignment embedded in another tool, such as the Syllabus or Lessons.
Students will submit assignments by typing a response directly into the Rich-Text Editor (inline) and/or uploading one or more attachments or by turning in a hard copy of the assignment to the instructor. How work is submitted is at the discretion of the instructor and indicated when the assignment is created.
Assignments may be associated with the Gradebook in your site so that grades entered for an assignment automatically populate the associated item in the Gradebook for inclusion in the final course grade.
Note: For instructions on how to add this or any other tool to your site, see How do I add tools to my site?
To access this tool, select Assignments in the tool menu of your site.