What is the Syllabus tool?
The Syllabus tool allows instructors to post a single syllabus or multiple syllabus items for their courses, and allows students to access those items.
Multiple syllabus formats are available to instructors in the Syllabus tool:
- File Attachment: Instructors may add a syllabus as a document attachment (e.g., .pdf, .docx) uploaded to the tool. Students may download, open, and print the syllabus at their convenience. In order to edit the syllabus, instructors wil need to edit the original document on their computer and reupload it to the tool. For detailed instructions on using this format, see the help article How do I add a syllabus as a file attachment?
- Interactive, Web-Based Syllabus: Instructors may create an interactive, web-based syllabus using the Rich-Text Editor available in the tool, either by copying and pasting material from an existing document into the Editor or by working in the Editor itself. With the additional functionality of the Editor, instructors may create links or embed content so that students are able to access it directly. Instructors may create the syllabus as a single item (i.e., a single list of all course meetings and activities) or as multiple items associated with particular dates or class sessions. Students may access the syllabus within the tool or print it for offline use. For detailed instructions on using this format, see the help articles How do I create a syllabus item? and How do I create and edit multiple syllabus items?
- External Webpage: If instructors have created a syllabus on an external webpage, they may enter the URL so that the external webpage is displayed within the tool. For detailed instructions on using this format, see the help article How do I use an external webpage as a syllabus?
Note: For instructions on how to add this or any other tool to your site, see How do I add tools to my site?
Syllabus features
Syllabus allows instructors to:
- Specify when students have access to syllabus items.
- Share syllabus items in SIS.
- Create multiple syllabus items.
- Share syllabus items as a file attachment, such as a Word document or PDF.
- Create and edit web-based syllabus items using the Rich-Text Editor.
- Embed an external webpage as a syllabus item.
Syllabus allows students to:
- Access important course information.
- Review any syllabus items made available in the Schedule of Classes in SIS.
To access this tool, select Syllabus from the tool menu of your site.