How do I see and access my sites?
How you can find and navigate to your UVACollab sites depends on:
- The size of the screen on the computer or device you are using,
- Whether or not you have previously logged into UVACollab,
- Whether or not you have selected favorite sites. Your favorite sites display as tabs across the top of the UVACollab screen when you are using a desktop or laptop computer. It is recommended to follow the steps in this article to update your favorite sites each semester with your new classes.
Tip: Keyboard shortcuts and other tips for navigating UVACollab with assistive technology can be found in Using UVACollab's Accessibility Features.
Desktop versus Mobile View
UVACollab has a responsive design to adapt to different screen sizes, so certain elements only display when an internet browser window is larger than 800 pixels in width. In the descriptions below, Desktop View will be used to refer to the display when an internet browser window is larger than 800 pixels in width. Mobile View will refer to the display on smaller windows.
Desktop Video Guide
Mobile Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Navigate to sites.
Access sites in Desktop View.

In Desktop View:
- Links to all your active sites can be accessed via the My Sites menu (skip to details about My Sites in Desktop View).
- Your favorite sites navigation bar displays under the top header bar of UVACollab. Your Home site is the first tab in the list. When you are viewing another site, select this tab to return to Home.
- If you have any favorite sites, their tabs are displayed after your Home site. Up to 10 favorite sites can appear in this list. Select a site tab to access the site.
Note: When you log into UVACollab for the first time, Home is the only site shown in your favorite sites list, even if you have been added to other UVACollab sites.
Tip: The tab for the site you are currently viewing displays in dark blue with white text, while your other site tabs display with a light gray background and black text.
Access sites in Mobile View.

In Mobile View:
- The title of the site you are currently viewing displays under the top header bar of UVACollab.
- Links to all your other active sites can be accessed via the Sites menu (skip to details about My Sites in Mobile View).
View My Sites.
My Sites displays tabs for all of your active sites. Sites are organized by type, either course or collaboration.
Course sites are grouped by term and can be found under a heading with the corresponding term, e.g., 2022 Spring. Collaboration sites can be found under the heading Collaborations.
The My Sites menu has slightly different options in Desktop and Mobile View.
My Sites - Desktop View

- Select My Sites to open the menu.
- Quickly search for a specific site by entering part or all of the site title in the Filter sites field.
- Select the open star (Add to favorites) icon next to a term heading, e.g., 2022 Spring, to add all sites for that term to your favorite sites.
- Favorite sites appear with gold star icons in front of their site titles. Select the gold star for a site to remove the site from your favorites.
- If all sites for a term have been added to your favorites, a gold star icon will appear with the term heading, e.g., 2021 Fall. Select the gold star next to the term heading to remove all sites from that term from your favorites.
- Select View All Sites to open Worksite Setup in your Home site and access all your sites, including hidden sites.
- Select Create New Site to start creating a new course or collaboration site.
- Select Preferences to open and set your preferences.
Organize favorites.

- Select the Organize Favorites tab to manage your favorite sites.
- Select the gold star for a site to remove the site from your favorites.
- Click on the three bars (reorder) icon and drag a site up or down in the list to reorder it in your favorite sites navigation bar.
- The option to Automatically add new sites to your favorites bar is ON by default. This means that when you create a site or someone adds you to their site, it will be added to your favorites automatically. Select the ON switch to toggle this option OFF.
Manage more than 10 favorite sites.
- If you have more than 10 favorite sites, the Organize Favorites tab will display the number of favorite sites in bold text, e.g., (12), and a caution triangle icon.
- When organizing favorites, a message will appear to indicate that Only the first 10 sites (above) will display in your favorites bar. Move favorite sites above the line of text, or remove other sites from your favorites, to make them available as favorite site tabs.
My Sites - Mobile View

- Select My Sites to open the menu.
- Quickly search for a specific site by entering part or all of the site title in the Filter sites field.
- Select the open star (Add to favorites) icon next to a term heading, e.g., 2022 Spring, to add all sites for that term to your favorite sites.
- Favorite sites appear with gold star icons in front of their site titles. Select the gold star for a site to remove the site from your favorites.
- If all sites for a term have been added to your favorites, a gold star icon will appear with the term heading, e.g., 2021 Fall. Select the gold star next to the term heading to remove all sites from that term from your favorites.
Tip: You can find the link to your Home site under the Collaborations heading. Collaboration sites are listed after all your course sites in Mobile View.
Organize favorites.

- Select the Favorites tab to manage your favorite sites.
- Touch the three bars (reorder) icon and drag a site up or down in the list to reorder your favorite sites.
- Select the gold star for a site to remove the site from your favorites.
- The option to Automatically add new sites to your favorites bar is ON by default. This means that when you create a site or someone adds you to their site, it will be added to your favorites automatically. Select the ON switch to toggle this option OFF.
Jump to a specific tool in a site.

With each site tab in the favorite sites list (Desktop View only) and under My Sites (Desktop and Mobile View), there is an arrow (menu) icon.
- Either select the down arrow (menu) icon, or the down arrow key on your keyboard while a site tab is selected, to expand the Tool Menu for that site.
- Select a tool in the list to go directly to that tool in the site.
Tip: Press the Esc (Escape) key on your keyboard to collapse a site's tool menu.