How do I remove people from my course or collaboration site?
If you manually added participants to your site, you can also remove them.
Students, instructors, or teaching assistants added to sites via official roster data from the Student Information System (SIS) cannot be removed individually from a UVACollab course site. If a site participant has been removed from a course roster in SIS, they will be removed from the corresponding UVACollab site two hours after they have been removed from the roster.
UVACollab does not destructively delete user data when removing participants from a site. Therefore, if you remove a participant from your site, and then later reinstate that participant, all of their activity within the site will reappear once you add them back into the site. To find out what happens to content when a site participant is removed from a site and how to recover it, see How do I recover missing content from participants who have left my site?
Go to Site Settings.

Select Site Settings from the tool menu in your site.
Find the Manage Participants section.
Scroll down on the page to find the Manage Participants section which contains the full list of participants in your site.
Select manually-added participant(s) to remove.
In the Remove? column, check the box(es) to select the participant(s) to remove.
Students, instructors, or teaching assistants added to sites via an official roster in the Student Information System (SIS) cannot be manually removed. Instead, enrollment changes made in SIS will be reflected in course rosters in UVACollab course sites after two hours. For example, a currently enrolled student who withdraws from a course in SIS today will automatically be removed from the roster in the associated UVACollab course site two hours later.
Tip: You can select to remove all manually-added participants from the site by checking the box at the top of the Remove? column.
Or make site participant(s) inactive.

Alternatively, if a participant was added to your site but you do not want to remove them from the site, you can prevent that person from accessing your site and receiving email notifications from it by making them inactive.
From the drop-down menu under the Status column for the participant, select Inactive.