How do I modify my privacy settings?
On your privacy page, you can control what parts of your profile other people can see. You can tailor this so that certain information is only available to you, to your connections, or to everyone.
To make profile information available to your instructors and classmates in your course sites (such as your profile image, which can appear when you post in tools such as the Forums tool), select Everyone as the privacy setting.
Choose how to view the steps.
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Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Home.

When you first log into UVACollab, you are placed in your Home site. If you are viewing another UVACollab site, select the Home button in the favorites bar at the top of the screen, or in your My Sites list, to access it.
Go to Profile.

Select Profile from the tool menu in your Home site.
Select the Privacy tab.

Select the Privacy tab in the menu bar near the top of the screen.
Modify and save the privacy settings

The system will display a list of privacy settings. An explanation of each setting is listed above each dropdown menu.
To modify the privacy settings, select the dropdown menus to the right of the items in the settings list. Profile information may be restricted to the users themselves (Only me), it may be shared with user connections (Only my connections), or with everyone (Everyone).
After making the desired modifications, click the Save settings button to save the changes.