How do I unjoin or remove myself from a site?
If you were manually added (NOT added by a SIS course roster) to a site, or you chose to join a joinable site, you may be able to unjoin or remove yourself from the site.
For more information about joinable sites, see also:
Note: Instructors in course sites and Owners in collaboration sites cannot unjoin their sites. Only those who have been manually added to a site (e.g., those NOT added by a course roster) and assigned a role other than Owner or Instructor may unjoin a site .
Choose how to view the steps.
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to your Home site.

When you first log into UVACollab, you are placed in your Home site. If you are viewing another UVACollab site, go to your Home site by selecting the Home tab in the favorites bar at the top of the screen, or in My Sites.
Go to Membership.

Select the Membership tool from the tool menu.
Locate the site to unjoin.

- In the Search box, enter at least part of the title of the site you want to unjoin (e.g., UVA Want Ads) to find your sites with that word or phrase in the title.
- Select Search.
Select and unjoin site(s).

- Check the box(es) for the site(s) to unjoin.
- Select the Unjoin Selected button.
Confirm unjoining the site(s).

On the Confirm Change screen, select Unjoin Selected to remove yourself from the selected site(s).