How do participants sign up for meetings?
The steps and images below demonstrate how students in a course site, or members of a collaboration site, access and sign up for meetings.
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Sign Up.

Select Sign Up from the Tool Menu in your site.
View Meetings page.
On entry, the Sign Up tool displays the list of meetings, if any, already created in the site.
- By default, All Future Meetings will be displayed. You can display other meetings by selecting options in the View drop-down menu. For example, to include all past meetings, choose All in the View menu.
- If meeting organizers have created optional categories for meetings, you can select a category title from the By category menu to filter your view and only include meetings in a specific category.
- To display all sessions of all recurring meetings, select the check box Expand recurring meetings.
- The site’s meetings are listed in a table that includes the Meeting Title, Organizer, Location, Category, Date, Time, and Status (such as Available, Signed Up, or Closed). Meetings can be sorted by selecting one of the table headings (e.g., Date).
- If a recurring meeting is available and you have not selected to expand all recurring meetings, you can view additional meeting sessions by selecting the plus sign (+) icon (Expand recurring Meetings) next to the Meeting Title.
- If a specific recurring meeting's sessions have been expanded, the plus sign (+) icon (Expand recurring Meetings) next to the title of the first session in the list will change into a minus sign (-) (Collapse recurring Meetings). You can select the minus sign (-) icon (Collapse recurring Meetings) to hide the additional meeting sessions.
Select a meeting.
Select a Meeting Title to access the meeting details.
Note: If the ability to sign up is not yet available, the Status column will indicate the date when you can start signing up.
Export, print or view meeting details.

At the top of the Meeting Details page, you can:
- Select Export to save an Excel file with the meeting information to your local computer. For a description of the data included in the export, see How do I export meeting data?
- Select Print to print the meeting details.
- View the meeting details, including the location, meeting dates and times, and when sign-up begins and ends.
Select a time slot or wait list.

Below the meeting details, a table lists the time slots for the meeting.
- To sign up for an available slot, select the Sign Up button beside the Time Slot you want.
- If the meeting is full and the meeting organizer has created the meeting with a Wait List, you will be able to add your name to the Wait List by clicking Join Wait List. If space becomes available, you will be added to the list of attendees and notified by email.
- If the Action column for a time slot contains an inactive (grayed out and unable to be selected) Sign Up or Join Wait List button, the slot is either full with no wait list available or Locked. If a time slot is locked, a meeting organizer has chosen to prevent more participants from signing up for that slot.
Add a comment. (Optional)
You will be taken to the Complete Sign-Up page. If the meeting organizer has selected the option to allow participants to add comments, an Add a comment link will be available. To add a comment that will be seen only by meeting organizers (instructors or site administrators):
- Select the Add a comment link.
- Enter your message in the editor that appears.
Select Finish.

At the bottom of the page, select Finish to confirm signing up.
View your status.

You will be returned to the Meeting Details page. The Your Status column for the time slot will indicate either:
- Signed up if you are listed as a participant,
- Or On Wait List if you are on the wait list for the time slot.
Note: If you are listed as Signed up, a calendar icon will display next to where it says Signed up that allows you to Add this timeslot to your personal calendar. You can select this icon to download an iCalendar file of the meeting to add it to an external calendar such as a Microsoft Outlook or Google calendar.
Cancel Sign-up. (Optional)

If the option to sign up is still available for the event, you may cancel the appointment or remove yourself from the wait list by selecting:
- Cancel Sign-up,
- Or Remove from Wait List.