What is Worksite Setup?
Worksite Setup provides links to all your sites, including hidden sites. It is also where you can add, edit, or delete a site with appropriate permissions.
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Home.

When you first log into UVACollab, you are placed in your Home site. If you are viewing another UVACollab site, select the Home tab in the favorites bar at the top of the screen, or in your My Sites list, to access it.
Go to Worksite Setup.

Select the Worksite Setup tool in the Tool Menu of your Home site.
Use Worksite Setup to view and access all sites.
- Use the View menu to select the types of sites to display. Options include:
- All My Sites (selected by default): All sites of which you are currently a member.
- collaboration sites
- course sites
- Softly Deleted Sites: Sites that have been deleted within the past year, where you are a site administrator.
- Home Sites: Your Home site.
- To view only course sites in a specific term, e.g., 2019 Fall, select the term from the Filter by Term menu.
- To search for a specific site, enter all or part of a site title in the Search field, then select the Search button.
- By default, sites are listed with your Home site at the top, then alphabetically in ascending order (A-Z) by Worksite Title. You can reorder the sites list by selecting any of the following table headers:
- Worksite Title
- Type: course or collaboration
- Creator
- Term
- Status: Published or Unpublished
- Creation Date
- Select a site title to access the site.
Also see these Help articles on using Worksite Setup: