How can students and site members add items to their File Drop folders?
The File Drop tool functions very much like the Resources tool. The difference is that File Drop provides each student in a course site (or each member in a collaboration site) with a private folder where they can share uploaded items with their instructors or site administrators.
A student or member can add items to their folder and remove items from it. An instructor or site administrator can also add items to students' or members' folders and remove items from the folders.
Note: If students need to share materials they upload to a course site with their classmates, an instructor can give them permission to upload items to a folder in Resources. By default, members of collaboration sites can upload items to folders in Resources.
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Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to File Drop.

Select the File Drop tool from the tool menu of your site.
Select the folder Actions menu.

If you are a student or member in the site, you will see a File Drop folder with your name as the folder name. This is the location where you will add or create items in File Drop.
Select Actions next to the folder name.
Select the type of item to add.

Select one of the following tasks from the Actions menu. The instructions for adding each item type are linked below.
Edit, copy, or rearrange the files and more.

Once you have added files to your File Drop folder, you can manipulate them using the following functions:
- Edit Details
- Copy
- Move to Trash
- These additional functions are available in the Actions menu for a folder:
- Reorder
- Compress to Zip Archive
- These additional functions are available in the Actions menu for a file:
- Upload New Version
- Move
- Duplicate
Tip: The File Drop functions mirror the functions of the Resources tool. See What is the Resources Tool? for more information. As with Resources, you can use WebDAV to upload and download files in File Drop. For more information, see How do I upload or download files using WebDAV?