What is the Message of the Day?
On the Overview page of Home you will see announcements under Message of the Day (MOTD). The MOTD is used to display tips for students, messages about scheduled maintenance or system updates, and important dates and events.
Go to Home.

When you first log into UVACollab, you are placed in your Home site automatically. If you are viewing another UVACollab site, select the Home tab in the favorites bar at the top of the screen, or in your My Sites list, to access it.
Customize the display. (Optional)

You may customize the appearance of the MOTD announcement by selecting the Options button.
MOTD Options

- For the Message of the Day Display, you may choose to show just the subject line or the entire body of the announcement. Show Announcement body is selected by default.
- You may use the Show about drop-down menu to display All, One, or Two Lines of the message body. All Lines is selected by default.
- You may display messages from a specific number of days in the past. By default, messages from the past 1000 days are shown. Enter a different number to restrict the display to recently posted messages.
- Select Update to save any changes.