What is My Courses?
My Courses is displayed on the Overview page of your Home site. My Courses includes a folder for each semester when you are officially enrolled in a course or assigned a class roster in the Student Information System (SIS). Within each folder is a list of the semester's course rosters in which you are enrolled (as a student), or which you are assigned to teach (as an instructor or teaching assistant).
Corresponding links to existing UVACollab course sites also appear in My Courses for quick access to these sites (see note).
Note: If you enroll in a course today in SIS, it can take up to two hours for that enrollment change to be evident in UVACollab.
Tip: You can also access your UVACollab sites from My Sites. For details, see How do I see and access my sites?
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Home.

When you first log into UVACollab, you are placed in your Home site automatically. If you are viewing another UVACollab site, select the Home tab in the favorites bar at the top of the screen, or in your My Sites list, to access it.
Find My Courses.
My Courses appears in the upper-right column of the Overview page in your Home site.
View and access course sites in My Courses.

To view the courses you are taking (students) or courses you are teaching (instructors):
- Select the semester you want to view, e.g., Fall, 2021.
- The Roster column displays all of your rosters for the selected semester based on the latest course data from SIS.
- The UVaCollab Site (if created) column displays links to course sites associated with a roster. Select the site title link to go to that course site.
- If no site is listed in the UVaCollab Site column, it usually means that the instructor has not yet created a site for the course. See below for other reasons why a site may be missing.
Why is a site missing in My Courses?
There are several reasons why a course roster may be listed with no site link:
- An instructor has not yet created a site for the course.
- You have just enrolled in a course.
- An instructor has created a site, but has not yet added the course roster to it. If you are an instructor and you need to add a roster to your site, see How do I add a class roster?
- An instructor has created a course site, but has not yet published it to make it available to students. For more information, see What does Unpublished Site mean?
- Your instructor is not using UVACollab for their course. Check with your instructor to see if they are using another location to host the class site.
Instructor Note: New course site shells are NOT automatically created. Instructors are empowered to create their own sites.
- To create a site for your class, see How do I create a course site using the Quick Guide?
- To reuse materials from another site to create your new site, see How do I create a site copied from a previous site?
Why doesn't my course roster appear in My Courses?
If your course roster is not yet listed in My Courses for the current semester, it is likely due to the time delay for updating UVACollab with enrollment and instructor data from SIS.
If you just enrolled in a class in SIS, it can take up to two hours before that change will be available in UVACollab. Similarly, instructors and TAs who were recently added to a course in SIS will have access to the corresponding rosters/sites following the two-hour update.
Student Note: If you need immediate access to a site, your instructor can add you to it manually before the SIS update occurs.