How do I add a web link or URL to Resources or File Drop?
You can create a link to a web page in Resources or File Drop. This will allow site participants to access the link from a Resources or File Drop folder.
Go to Resources or File Drop.

Select Resources or File Drop from the tool menu in your site.
Select Actions, then Add Web Links (URLs).

- To the right of the folder where you would like to add the link, select the Actions menu.
- Select Add Web Links (URLs).
Note: On mobile devices or small screens, the Actions menu displays as a down arrow icon.
Enter the Web Address.

In the Web Address (URL) box, type or paste the link to the website.
Note: By default, the URL will also be copied into the Website Name box.
Enter a Website Name.

In the Website Name box, enter a name that describes the site someone will access when they select the link.
Note: If you do not enter a Website Name, the URL will display within the folder. It is recommended that you enter a meaningful name. For more information on why this is important, please see How can I make links accessible?
Add details. (Optional)

If desired, select Add details for this item to provide additional information about the web link, make it display to specific groups of site participants, or specify display dates for it.
For more information about adding details, see:
Add additional links. (Optional)

To add additional links, select Add Another Web Link. Another set of Web Address (URL) and Website Name fields will appear.
Note: You can add as many web links as you want by selecting Add Another Web Link.
Notify site participants that the link is added. (Optional)

In Resources, you can choose to send an automatic email notification to site participants that the link has been added.
By default, No notification is sent. Select High - All participants to send an email to everyone in your UVACollab site who can access the link. Select Low - Not received by those who have opted out to send an email only to those who have chosen to receive Resources notifications in their preferences.
Note: If the link is added to a folder that is only available to a specific group, only members of that group will receive the email notification.
Select Add Web Links Now.

View the link.

The link to the web page will appear in the selected folder.