How do I upload a video, image, or audio file to My Media or Media Gallery?
My Media in your Home site is your personal storage area for videos, images, and audio files. Files in My Media may be private, or they may be published in a UVACollab site.
Anyone can upload media directly to My Media in their Home site. A participant in a course or collaboration site can also upload a video, image, or audio file to Media Gallery, which publishes the file in the gallery at the same time as uploading it to their Home site.
Video Guide for Uploading to Media Gallery
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to the site where you will be uploading the media.

- To upload a file to your personal My Media space, visit your Home site. When you first log into UVACollab, you are placed in your Home site automatically. If you are viewing another UVACollab site, select the Home tab in the favorites bar at the top of the screen, or in your My Sites list, to access it.
- To upload a file to the Media Gallery for a particular course or collaboration site, select the site's title in the favorites bar at the top of the screen, or under My Sites.
Go to My Media or Media Gallery.

- From your Home site: Select My Media from the tool menu in your Home site.
- From your course or collaboration site: Select Media Gallery from the tool menu of the site.
In Media Gallery, access the Media tab.

If you are uploading to Media Gallery and any playlists have been created in the site, the Playlists tab will display as the first page. If this is the case, select the Media tab to go to it.
Note: The Media tab will display with the number of files currently included in it, e.g., 3 Media.
Select + Add Media.

Note: On mobile devices or small screens, the Add Media button displays as a plus (+) icon.
Select Add New, then Media Upload.

On the Add Media page:
- Select Add New.
- Select Media Upload.
Drag and drop the file to upload or select to choose a file.

- Drag and drop the file to upload into the Upload Media box,
- Or select the + Choose a file to upload button. Then, select the file to upload from your computer.
Wait for the upload.

- Depending on the size of your file, the upload may take some time to complete. During this time, the upload progress will display on the screen.
- When the file is successfully uploaded, an Upload Completed! message will replace the progress bar.
Enter a name and optional details.

- By default, the Name will be the video's or audio file's original file name. It is recommended that you edit the Name to make your file easy to identify in the Media Gallery.
- You can add an optional Description or Tags for searching.
Save and access your media.

- Select Save.
- Select the Go To Media link to go directly to the file you just uploaded, or select Go To Media Gallery to go back to the main page of Media Gallery.
Note: Your uploaded file may need to be approved.

By default, student uploads in a course site's Media Gallery are Moderated. This means that an instructor must review and approve any uploaded files to publish them in the site. If your file needs to be approved, you will get an Access Denied error when selecting Go To Media, and a message Your additional media will be presented once it is ready and approved when selecting Go To Media Gallery.
View media.
Where you can view your newly uploaded file depends on whether the site's Media Gallery allows you to publish content immediately, or if the file is waiting to be approved.
View a file published immediately.

Once your video or audio file has been published, it will be available in the Media Gallery's Media tab, and you can select it to view it.
View a file pending approval.
All media you upload, whether or not it is published in a site, is saved in your Home site's My Media.
Go to your Home site.

Select Home in the favorites bar at the top of the screen, or under My Sites.
Go to My Media.

Select My Media from the tool menu of your Home site.
Select the video or audio file.

Select the video or audio file to access it.
Note: A Pending link will display under the file's name. If the file has been successfully published in one site, but pending approval in another, a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark (!) icon will appear with a Published link. Select the Published or Pending link to find the titles of the sites where the file is Published or Pending.