How do I update Gradebook with iClicker grades?
Grades from iClicker activities can be added to Gradebook in one of two ways . . .
- Use a single gradebook item - Syncing grades from the iClicker interface for your course will create one gradebook item that will be updated each time you sync grades. This method can be used to track student participation throughout the semester.
- Use multiple gradebook items - Export a file from iClicker that can be imported into Gradebook to create one or more gradebook items. Use this option if you would like to have a separate gradebook item for each iClicker activity.
Use a single gradebook item.
Warning: This option can only be used after the iClicker Cloud tool has been added to your site and properly configured. Steps for adding and configuring the tool can be found in our Help article How do I configure the iClicker Cloud tool? (opens in new window).
Log into your iClicker account.
Go to (opens new window) and select Sign In to log into your iClicker account.
On the Courses page in iClicker, click the title of the class.
Go to Gradebook in iClicker.

Select Gradebook in the left-hand menu of your course.
Select Sync Grades.
Select the Sync Grades button to update the grades in Gradebook for the iClicker item.
Go to Gradebook in your UVACollab site.

Select Gradebook from the left-hand tool menu in your UVACollab site.
Verify new gradebook item and grades.

A new gradebook item will automatically be added to Gradebook the first time you synchronize grades in iClicker.
Note: The new item will be worth 100 points and won’t automatically be included in the final course grade calculation. Edit the iClicker gradebook item (opens in new window) to change the point value or to include the item in the final course grade calculation.
Refresh Gradebook.

- After each sync, a Refresh icon (pencil) will appear beside the student(s) grade.
- Refresh Gradebook by selecting the tool title, Gradebook to update the grades.
Use multiple gradebook items.
Export a spreadsheet from iClicker to add a gradebook item for each iClicker activity in your class. The file can then be imported into Gradebook to create the item(s).
On the Courses page in iClicker, click the title of the class.
Go to Gradebook in iClicker.

Select Gradebook in the left-hand menu of your course.
Select Export.

Select Export to create a spreadsheet with iClicker grades.
Export the spreadsheet.

On the Export Grades window;
- Select Sakai Format from the Select file format drop-down menu.
- Select the Session Name you would like to export by selecting the box beside the session's title. If you would like the grades from all sessions, select the box beside Session Name.
- Select Export to export the spreadsheet.
Import the file to Gradebook.
The spreadsheet can now be used to import item(s) into Gradebook. Use the steps in our Help article, How do I import grades into Gradebook? (opens in new window) to create gradebook items.
Get additional Help.
Questions about importing grades into Gradebook can be addressed to [email protected].
For online tutorials and help with features in iClicker Cloud, visit iClicker Support (opens new window).