How do I grade with iRubric in Assignments?
Assignments that have been added to the Gradebook should be graded directly in Assignments instead of using the iRubric tool. This will ensure grades are updated in both tools (Gradebook and Assignments).
The process involves three steps:
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Create assignment.
See the Send grades to Gradebook section of How do I add an assignment? to create an assignment in the Assignments tool and add to Gradebook.
Add the rubric to the assignment.
Access iRubric tool.

Select the iRubric tool from the tool menu of your site.
Build an iRubric or revise one from My Rubrics or iRubric Gallery.

You can create your own rubrics (Build an iRubric) or import rubrics from a public gallery of rubrics (iRubric Gallery) and modify them to suit your purposes. Any rubrics you have developed will be stored in My Rubrics. See iRubric Help for more information on creating rubrics.
Select the Grades tab.

When first visiting iRubric, you are placed on the Grades tab. If you have navigated to one of the other available tabs in the tool, click Grades to attach a rubric.
Click the Select Rubric icon.

Click the paperclip (Select iRubric) icon beside the item you want to grade using a rubric.
After selecting the icon, you are taken to the rCampus web site to attach the rubric you want to use in grading.
Choose the Select a rubric button.

On the rCampus web site, use the select a rubric button to attach a rubric to the assignment/gradebook item.
Select the rubric.

From the available list, choose the rubric you want by clicking the select button beside the rubric of choice.
Select save.

After selecting the rubric, you are returned to the main iRubric web page. Select save to save your selection.
Select close.

Once the attached rubric has been saved to the assignment/gradebook item, select close to close the iRubric web page.
Grade assignment.
Go to Assignments.

Select the Assignments tool from the tool menu in your site.
Select the assignment to grade.

Click the Grade link under the title of the assignment you would like to grade using a rubric.
Turn off File Preview.

To grade with iRubric in Assignments, the File Preview switch must be set to Off.
Select a student to grade.
You will see a list of all the students in the class. Click on the student's name to grade their submission. In this example, we will be selecting Student, Three (mai4n-stu3).
View student submission.
The student submission will be display as follows:
- The student's name, username, submission date, and graded status.
- Next, under Assignment Submission, the student's inline submission text (if applicable) is shown.
- Under Submitted Attachments, any attached files will appear. The filename as well as the the file size and submission date are also shown.
Grade using rubric.

Select the checkerboard (Grade with iRubric) icon to begin grading the student's assignment with the attached rubric.
Enter grades and feedback.
A new window opens to display the criterion grading matrix for the attached rubric. Within the matrix, select the appropriate cell to select the grade for each criterion.
Tip: Comments can be added in the Quick feedback box in the last column of the rubric.
Select save evaluation.

When you have finished grading, select the save evaluation button in the bottom center of the page.
Select close.

iRubric will inform you that the rubric has been scored and saved. You will also see the total score and percentage of possible points. Select close to close this window and return to the student's assignment grade page.
Refresh grade.

Select the Grading... Click here to refresh grade link to update the Grade field.
View Grade.

The Grade field will display the grade calculated by the rubric.
Save grade.

- If you are finished grading and would like to release the information to the student, select the Save and Release to Student button.
- Alternatively, if you would like to save the grade but wait and release it to the student at a later date, you may select the Save and Don't Release to Student button.
IMPORTANT: Grade information will not update in Gradebook until the assignment's grade has been released to students.
Tip: Some faculty prefer to release all of the grades at one time when they have finished entering grades for the whole class. Use the Release Grades link on the assignment's Grade page to release grades at one time.
Go to the next submission.
If you have more submissions to grade and would like to go directly to the next submission in the list, select the Navigate between students with submissions only checkbox and then the Next button at the bottom of the page. Any changes made on the grading screen will be saved but NOT released to the student.
Verify Gradebook update.

Visit the Gradebook to verify that the grade has been updated.
IMPORTANT: Grade information will not update in Gradebook until the assignment's grade has been released to students.