How do I publish video or audio files in Media Gallery?
You may publish video or audio files that you have saved in My Media in the Media Gallery of your UVACollab site.
Go to Media Gallery.

Select Media Gallery from the tool menu in your site.
Access the Media tab.

If any playlists have been created in the site, the Playlists tab will display as the first page of the Media Gallery. If this is the case, select the Media tab to go to it.
Note: The Media tab will display with the number of files currently included in it, e.g., 3 Media.
Select + Add Media.

Note: On mobile devices or small screens, the Add Media button displays as a plus (+) icon.
Select and publish your media.
- Select the checkbox(es) for your file(s) to publish.
- Scroll up to the top of the screen and select Publish.
View success message.
Whether you can view your media in the site depends on whether the site's Media Gallery allows you to publish content immediately, or if the file is waiting to be approved.
Access a file published immediately.

If you have permission to publish files in the site, you will be returned to the main page of the Media Gallery, with a message at the top of the screen indicating that your media was published successfully.
You may select a file to view it.
Wait for moderated media to be published.

By default, student uploads in a course site's Media Gallery are Moderated. This means that an instructor must review and approve files to publish them in the site. If your media needs to be approved, a message Your additional media will be presented once it is ready and approved will appear at the top of the screen, and you will need to wait for your instructor to approve a file for it to display.