How can I use content from Media Gallery?
Video, audio, and images in Media Gallery can be shared and embedded throughout UVACollab and the web. Below is a list of the various ways you can use content uploaded to either Media Gallery or My Media.
Publish media for site participants.

To share content as a gallery with site participants, you can publish media in the Media Gallery tool. See How do I publish video or audio files in Media Gallery?
Embed media in Lessons, Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, and Discussions.

You can embed a media in an assignment, assessment, discussion, or another page with the Rich-Text Editor. See How do I embed a Media Gallery file in the Rich-Text Editor?
Students can upload media and embed it in an assignment or assessment by following the steps in How do I upload and submit a video or audio file to an assignment or assessment?
Share content publicly.

To embed content publicly, you can enable public embed codes in a site you own. See How do I copy embed code for public display on the web?