What is the ePortfolio tool?
ePortfolio, powered by Digication, allows instructors to provide a space where students can collect and organize their work (documents, images, audio/video files, and more) to demonstrate their work and accomplishments. Portfolios can be shared with different audiences such as instructors, prospective employers, or others, to present rich, evidence-based documentation of these accomplishments.
Note: For instructions to add this or any other tool to your site, see How do I add a tool to my site?
ePortfolio Features
Instructors can:
- Create ePortfolio templates that students can copy and complete.
- Create and collect assignments (pages or whole ePortfolios) from your students so you have a time-stamped record of their work.
- Re-use assignments within the tool from previous classes.
- Visit the Digication Faculty Guide (opens in a new window)
Students can:
- Create a portfolio from scratch or use a template.
- Showcase work by uploading documents, images, audio/video files, and more.
- Control who can see, edit, publish, and/or administer the portfolio.
- Visit the Digication Student Guide (opens in a new window)
To access this tool, select ePortfolio from the Tool Menu in your site.

Get additional help.
Questions about adding ePortfolio to your site can be addressed to [email protected].
For help using features in ePortfolio, visit Digication's Support (opens in a new window) page.