How do I set up ePortfolio?
To use ePortfolio in a course, you need to select a template for the students' portfolios.
Go to ePortfolio.

Select ePortfolio from the Tool Menu in your site.
Select Launch Digication ePortfolio.

If needed, create your account.
If this is your first time using Digication, you will be prompted to create a new account. If you have used Digication before, skip to the step to define templates.

Accept the License Agreement.

- Select the checkbox I accept the Digication Terms and Conditions.
- Select I Agree.
Define templates.

On the Welcome page, select DEFINE TEMPLATES FOR STUDENTS.
View templates.
A new browser tab or window will open to the CREATE TEMPLATE page.
To find available templates, you can:
- Use the Search bar to search for templates by name.
- Select VIEW ALL.
- Use the arrow (< and >) buttons or arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate the list of templates.
Select a template to use.
- Select the desired template.
Tip: The Blank template is recommended if you are not sure which to select.
Edit the title and continue.
- To the right of the Title, select the Edit link and enter a meaningful name for the template. You may also edit the template's URL and Description as needed.
- Select CONTINUE.
Review or change who can see the template.

By default, you will be sharing the template with Faculty and Students in your site.
- Optionally, you may change who can access the template by selecting Edit to the right of Also share with specific people, groups, or courses and searching for people or UVACollab sites by name. You can grant access to anyone who has previously created a Digication account, and any UVACollab sites where you are a site administrator.
- To let people in your site know that the template is available, you may select Notify your shared list by email.
- Select CONTINUE.
Note: Faculty includes anyone in an administrative role in the site.
Students include anyone in the Student or Waitlisted Student role in a course site, and anyone in the Member or Observer role in a collaboration site.
Review or change template settings.

- You may enable recommended settings for portfolios created from the template. Options include:
- Show in directory and user profile: Allow anyone at UVA to find and use your template.
- Prompt user to choose a course for sharing: Remind students to share their portfolio with the course.
- This template is intended to help users create private content: Remind students that they should not share their portfolio with the course (if they are creating private portfolios).
- After selecting any desired settings, select SAVE SETTINGS.
Save changes.

You will be taken to the MANAGE TEMPLATE page with your new template shown under TEMPLATES SHARED WITH THIS COURSE.
Select the SAVE & CONTINUE button to save and close the browser tab or window.