What is the Piazza tool?
Piazza is a question and answer discussion board, where site participants have options to post privately to site administrators, respond anonymously and collaboratively edit anyone's messages.
Note: For instructions to add this or any other tool to your site, see How do I add a tool to my site?
Piazza Features
Site administrators can:
- Control posting options available to participants.
- View editing history for a post and prevent future edits.
- Make private posts public.
- Create groups to limit discussions to specific participants.
- Manage folders to organize discussions.
- Endorse participants' good questions or answers.
- View participation statistics, such as the number of posts per day and top posters.
Anyone can:
- Save draft posts.
- Post anonymously.
- Post privately to site administrators.
- Collaboratively edit each others' posts.
- Favorite posts to find them easily later.
- Follow discussions and receive email notifications about new posts.
For more details about the features, see the Piazza Overview page (opens new window).
To access this tool, select Piazza from the Tool Menu in your site.

Get additional help.
For online tutorials and help with features in Piazza, visit the Piazza Support site (opens new window).