How do I set the display of a Resources item to a specific time period?
You can set the availability of a file or folder in Resources to display to site participants such as students and members at specific dates and times.
For more information about specifying file and folder availability, see:
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Resources.

Select the Resources tool from the tool menu of your site.
Select Actions, then Edit Details.

- To the right of the Resources file or folder for which you would like to set availability dates, select the Actions menu.
- Select Edit Details.
Note: On mobile devices or small screens, the Actions menu displays as a down arrow icon.
Specify access dates for a folder.
If you set availability date(s)/time(s) for a folder, all of the items within the folder automatically have the same date/time restrictions.
Select the desired date restriction(s).
- Select either the Show this folder OR Hide this folder but allow access to its contents radio button for the folder and/or its contents to be shown at the specified dates.
- Check the box(es) for From and/or Until to indicate that you want the folder and/or its contents to become available at the From date and/or hidden at the Until date.
Enter date(s).

You may enter the dates into the fields provided, or use the date-picker (calendar window) to select a date and time.
- If you enter a date manually, it will need to be in the following format: month/day/year hours:minutes am or pm. For example, to make an item available starting on Oct 11, 2021 at 09:00 AM, you would enter 10/11/2021 09:00 am into the From date field.
- When you select any date field, the date-picker (calendar window) will display. You can choose a date by selecting it in the calendar, or by selecting Now. Select a time using the Hour and Minute sliders. When your date is set, select Done.
At the bottom of the page, select Update.

Specify access dates for a file.
Select the desired date restriction(s).
- Select Show this item for the file to be shown at the specified dates.
- Check the box(es) for From and/or Until to indicate that you want the file to become available at the From date and/or hidden at the Until date.
Enter date(s).

You may enter the dates into the fields provided, or use the date-picker (calendar window) to select a date and time.
- If you enter a date manually, it will need to be in the following format: month/day/year hours:minutes am or pm. For example, to make an item available starting on Oct 11, 2021 at 09:00 AM, you would enter 10/11/2021 09:00 am into the From date field.
- When you click on any date field, the date-picker (calendar window) will display. You can choose a date by clicking on it in the calendar, or by clicking Now. Select a time using the Hour and Minute sliders. When your date is selected, click Done.
At the bottom of the page, select Update.

View file or folder in Resources.

You will be returned to the main Resources page. Whether the file or folder is visible to students/members depends on the selected dates.
For site participants with appropriate permissions, such as instructors and site administrators, hidden files and folders display with their names in black and an eye icon with a slash through it. During the specified availability dates, the file will be visible and display with its name in darker blue.