How do I update a link to an assignment, discussion forum or topic, and assessment in Lessons?
After you create a new site from a copy of a previous site, you will need to update the links to the assignments, discussion forums or topics, and assessments in Lessons. When items are copied from Assignments, Discussions, and Tests & Quizzes, they are automatically set as drafts to prevent inadvertent student access. You will need to update each item's settings and publish them in order to update the links in Lessons.
Go to Assignments, Discussions, or Tests & Quizzes.

Select the tool of the linked item (Assignments, Discussions, or Tests & Quizzes) from the tool menu in your site.
Check if the item is listed as a draft or published.

You will need to publish the linked item again before you can update the link in Lessons.
- In Assignments, an assignments will have the word, Draft, to the left of the assignment title if it is currently saved as a draft.
- In Discussions, a forum or topic will have the word, DRAFT, to the left of its title if it is currently saved as a draft.
- In Tests & Quizzes, an assessment has not been published if it is only visible in the Working Copies tab and not in the Published Copies tab.
Update and publish the linked item(s).
If your item is already published, skip to the Go to Lessons step.
To publish your item, follow the steps below based on the item type.
Tip: If you need to update the dates for multiple items at once, you can use the Date Manager in Site Settings. After updating the dates in Date Manager, you will still need to publish each item by following the steps below.
Update and publish an item in Assignments.

- Select Edit underneath the assignment title.
- Review and edit the assignment settings, including the Open Date, Due Date, and Accept Until date. For more information about the assignment settings, see How do I add an assignment?
- Select Post at the bottom of the page to publish the assignment.
Update and publish an item in Discussions.

- Select Forum Settings or Topic Settings next to the linked forum or topic.
- Review the settings for the forum or topic. For more information about forum settings, see How do I create a forum? For more information about topic settings, see How do I create a topic?
- Select Save at the bottom of the page to publish the forum or topic.
Update and publish an item in Tests & Quizzes.

- Review and adjust the assessment settings, including the Available Date, Due Date, and Late Submission Deadline (if applicable). These dates can be found in the Availability and Submissions settings.
- Publish the assessment.
Go to Lessons.

Select the Title of the page (e.g., Lessons, Activities, Week: 1) that contains the linked item from the tool menu in your site.
Select Edit.

Hover your mouse over the link to update, or use your keyboard to select it. Some icons will appear to the right of the item. Select the pencil and paper (Edit) icon.
Select Change...

Select the Change Assignment, Change Forum or Topic, or Change Quiz link.
Select the item.

- Select the radio button next to the item you want site participants to access with this link.
- Select Use selected item.
View your updated link.