How do I allow comments to be posted on a page in Lessons?
Instructors and site owners can allow site participants to add comments on a page in Lessons using the comments tool. Comments give site participants an opportunity to share their thoughts or to start a conversation about content on a page. In course sites, instructors can add grades for student comments to Gradebook.
- To allow comments on a page, add the comments tool to Lessons.
- To adjust the settings for the comments tool, edit the comments tool settings.
- If you have enabled grading in the comments tool settings, you can grade comments.
Add the comments tool to Lessons.
Go to Lessons.

Select the Title of the page (e.g., Lessons, Activities, Week: 1) from the tool menu in your site.
Select Add Content.

Select Add Comments Tool.

Edit the comments tool settings.
Go to Lessons.

Select the Title of the page (e.g., Lessons, Activities, Week: 1) from the tool menu in your site.
Select Edit.

To edit comments settings, select the pencil and paper (Edit) icon to the right of the Add Comment button.
Edit and save changes.

- To hide the identity of the comment authors, select Keep Comments Anonymous.
- To grade the comments and send the scores to the gradebook, select Create Gradebook items for these. Add a maximum point value for each comment in the Maximum points field.
- To prevent the release of the comments tool until previous prerequisite items on the page have been completed, select Don't Release Item Until All Prerequisites are Completed. For information on how to make items unavailable until previous items have been completed, see How do I ensure that lesson items are completed in a particular order?
- To require that students add a comment, select Require This Item.
- To restrict the question to particular groups within the site, select the Edit the groups for which this item should be shown link.
- Select Update Item to save changes.
Grade comments.
Go to Lessons.

Select the Title of the page (e.g., Lessons, Activities, Week: 1) from the tool menu in your site.
Add a score to each comment.

If you have enabled grading in the comments tool, you can enter a point value for each comment in the Points field.
Press Enter to submit grade.

Press Enter or Return on your keyboard while your cursor is still in the text box to save the grade. A green checkmark will appear next to the Points field when the grade has been submitted.
Give a score of zero to students without submissions.
Select Grading Pane icon.

Select the bulleted list (Grading Pane) icon to open the Comments Grading Pane.
Review the list of students and set grades to zero.

- Review the list of students in the Students with no submission section. These students currently do not have a grade entered in Gradebook for this comments section.
- Select Set grades to zero for students without submissions. This will give all of the students without submissions a score of zero for this comments section.
WARNING: Once a grade has been saved for a student, you cannot delete the grade to remove it from the student's course grade in the Gradebook. If you inadvertently assign a score to a student who should not have received one using this feature, you will need to excuse score from the student's final grade using Excuse/Include Grade in Gradebook.