How do I ensure that items are completed in a particular order on a page in Lessons?
Instructors can require that students complete items in a particular order on a page in Lessons by restricting access to an item until the item(s) above it are completed.
Note: There must be items marked as required above the item in order to use this feature. For more information about requiring items on a page in Lessons, see How do I require completion of an item on a page in Lessons?
Go to Lessons.

Select the Title of the page (e.g., Lessons, Activities, Week: 1) from the tool menu in your site.
Select Edit.

Select the pencil and paper (Edit) icon to the right of the item.
Set the prerequisite requirement.

- Select Don't Release Item Until All Prerequisites are Completed.
- Select Update Item.
View the item.

The item now includes a message indicating that it has prerequisites. This means that previous items marked as required must be accessed before accessing the item. For more information about requiring items on a page in Lessons, see How do I require completion of an item on a page in Lessons?