What is the User Audit Log?
The User Audit Log displays the date, time, and person responsible for manually adding or removing site participants or changing their roles.
Note: The User Audit Log does not display automated course enrollment activity such as changes to roster data.
Go to Site Settings.

Select Site Settings from the tool menu in your site.
Select the User Audit Log tab.

View event information.
The following information will display:
- Name: The name of the participant whose status was modified.
- User ID: The user id of the participant whose status was modified.
- Role: The role of the participant whose status was modified.
- Date: The date and time that the change was made.
- Event: The type of change that was made (i.e., add participant to site, remove participant from site, or update participant role).
- Source: The name and user id of the participant who initiated the change (Self is indicated if the site participant changed their own status).
Note: You may sort by any of the columns by selecting the column heading. Select the heading again to sort in the opposite direction (ascending/descending).