How do I introduce myself to students using Overview?

Overview is typically the landing page for your site. The Site Information Display module in Overview is the perfect place for you to introduce yourself to your students. Include information such as your:

  • Name, title, and department,
  • Contact information,
  • Office hour times and locations,
  • What you expect students will learn in the course.

Go to Overview.

Select Overview from the Tool Menu in your site.

Edit the Site Information Display.

Select Edit in the Site Information Display module on the Overview page.

Edit the title. (Optional)

On the Customize Site Info Display panel, edit the Title. For example, you might enter the course title or simply enter "Welcome!"

Edit the Description.

Use the Rich-Text Editor to enter your introduction in the Description.

Maximize the editor. (Optional)

Select the Maximize button on the editor toolbar to open the editor in full-screen mode.

Note: Select the Minimize button to close full-screen mode and restore the editor to its in-context position on the page.

Embed a content template.

  1. Select the Templates button to the right of the Source button on the editor toolbar to open the list of content templates for selection.
  2. Scroll through the list to review available content templates. Select one of the templates for insertion into the editor.
  3. To overwrite existing content, leave the Replace actual contents checkbox enabled. Otherwise, uncheck the box to insert the template under your existing content.

Tip: The Home and Image and Title templates are good choices for this content.

Replace or edit content in your selected template.

Use the editor's features to add media and text to personalize the content template with information for your students.

Note: Refer to the Rich-Text Editor help chapter for step-by-step articles on using specific features.

Save your work.

Select the Update Options button below the editor to save and view your introduction.