How do I submit an assignment on behalf of a student?
Occasionally, a student may not be able to submit an assignment and will send the assignment to the instructor. In these situations, instructors may want to upload the assignment on behalf of the student to have a complete archive of student work for the assignment.
The assignment must still be accepting submissions in order for the instructor to be able to submit on behalf of a student.
Go to Assignments.

Select the Assignments tool from the tool menu of your site.
Select Assignments by Student.

On the Assignments page, select the Assignments by Student tab.
Expand the view for a student.
- Select the arrow icon (Show student's assignments/submissions) to the left of the student's name for whom you are submitting.
- The view will expand and display a list of available assignments.
Select Submit on behalf of Student.
Select the Submit on behalf of Student link under the assignment's title.
Attach student's file.

After clicking Submit on behalf of Student, the next page is the same page a student would see for the assignment. Select the Choose File button to locate and select the student's file that has been saved on your computer.
Select Submit.

After attaching the file, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Submit.