How do I set group access to items in Lessons?
Site Administrators can limit access (i.e. specify conditional release) to items added to a page or subpage in Lessons by group.
Note: The site must have existing groups in order to limit items to groups. See How do I create groups? for more information on creating groups. Each official roster you have added to the site is automatically treated as a group.
Go to Lessons.

Select the Title of the page (e.g., Lessons, Activities, Week: 1) from the tool menu in your site.
Select Edit.

Locate the item to be restricted and select the pencil and paper (Edit) icon to the right of the item.
Select Edit the groups for which this item should be shown.

The system will display a list of item settings. To edit the groups that see the item, select the Edit the groups for which this item should be shown link.
Select the groups.

- Select the groups from the list to see the item.
- Select Update Item to save the changes.
View the item.

Items restricted to particular groups will list the name of the group(s) in brackets. For example, "[Group 1]."