How do I add a peer review rubric to student pages?
If students have created student pages attached to a page in Lessons, an instructor can add a peer review rubric to the pages. This allows the students to evaluate the pages created by their peers. Scores are presented in aggregate form to the students, so that reviewers remain anonymous to their peers. Instructors can access the scores awarded by each reviewer in the evaluation statistics. See View evaluation statistics.
You will need to add the Student Content section to a page in Lessons to allow students to create student pages and to add peer review rubrics. For instructions to add the Student Content section to a page, see How do I allow students to add content to pages in Lessons?
Note: Peer review scores cannot be added to the Gradebook tool.
Add a peer review rubric to student pages.
Go to Lessons.

Select the Title of the lesson page (e.g., Lessons, Activities, Week: 1) from the tool menu in your site.
Select Edit.

Select the pencil and paper (Edit) icon next to Student Pages to open the Edit Student Content Section menu.
Note: You will need to add the Student Content section to a page in Lessons to allow students to create student pages and to add peer review rubrics. For instructions to add the Student Content section to a page, see How do I allow students to add content to pages in Lessons?
Select Add a peer review rubric to each page.

Select Add a peer review rubric to each page to add a rubric to the student pages.
Select a rubric.

Select an existing rubric from the list or select Create a new rubric.
Confirm or edit a rubric.

A Create Peer Evaluation Rubric screen will appear. If you chose an existing rubric, the rubric details will appear and can be edited as desired. If you chose to create a new rubric, a blank rubric will appear and can be edited by following the steps below.
- Edit the title of the rubric, or any of the categories, by typing in the text boxes.
- Select Add Row to add an additional row to the rubric.
- Select the X (Delete) icon to the right of a category to remove it.
- Select Save to save changes and continue.
Enter the availability dates and set self-grade option.

- Enter the dates during which the rubric will be available to the students in the Open Date and Due Date fields. By default, the rubric will be available for one week.
- To allow students to evaluate their own pages using the rubric, select Allow self-grade.
Set group peer evaluation settings, if desired.

Instructors can allow group members to create group pages and evaluate the members in their groups.
- To enable group pages, select Student pages will be jointly owned by all members of a group rather than an individual. Then, select the groups that can own pages. To learn more about groups, see How do I use groups?
- After group pages are enabled, you can allow group members to evaluate each other by selecting Use rubric for students within a group to evaluate each other.
Select Update Item.

Select Update Item to save the changes and add the rubric to the student pages.
View evaluation statistics.
Go to Lessons.

Select the Title of the lesson page (e.g., Lessons, Activities, Week: 1) from the tool menu in your site.
Select Peer Evaluation Statistics.

After the rubric is added to the student pages, instructors can view the rubric scores by clicking Peer Evaluation Statistics beneath the Student Content area.
Review the peer evaluation statistics.

The peer evaluation statistics will be displayed, including the following information:
- The student's name.
- The number of peers evaluated by each student
- The total number of reviews they have received per grade. In the example labeled with the number 3 in the screenshot above, the student received 1 review for a grade of 4 in the Quality of work category. Select a the number to see a list of reviewers who awarded that grade to the student.