What are quotas and upload limits?
A quota is a limit to the amount of file storage space in a UVACollab site. An upload limit determines the maximum size of files that can be uploaded at once. This article answers the following questions:
What is the Resources quota?
The default quota for a UVACollab site's Resources is 4 GB.
Requests for additional space may be sent to collab-support@virginia.edu. Please be sure to include the name of your site and the reason for requesting additional space.
For information about checking the quota in Resources, see What is the Resources quota?
What is the File Drop quota?
The default quota in File Drop is 1 GB for each student or member in a UVACollab site.
Requests for additional space may be sent to collab-support@virginia.edu. Please be sure to include the name of the site, the user name (UVA computing ID or non-UVA email address) of the site participant who needs space increased, and the reason for requesting additional space.
To check your quota in File Drop, select the Check Quota tab similar to the tab described in What is the Resources quota?
Note: The Check Quota page in File Drop only displays your own quota. Instructors and site administrators do not have individual folders in File Drop. Thus, if an instructor or site administrator checks the quota in File Drop, it will display You are currently using 0% (0 KB ) of your 1 GB quota for the File Drop of this site.
What are UVACollab's file upload limits?
The file size upload limit via the UVACollab Resources interface and most other tools that allow attachments is set to 250 MB.
However, Tests & Quizzes file upload questions have a submission attachment upload limit of 40 MB.
How do I upload a larger file to Resources or File Drop?
You can use a WebDAV connection in Resources or File Drop to upload files that are larger than 250 MB, as long as the combined size of all files uploaded to the tool does not exceed the Resources quota or File Drop quota mentioned above. For instructions to use WebDAV, see How do I upload or download files using WebDAV?