How do I view summary reports in the Statistics tool?

The Overview page of Statistics displays summary reports of site participants' activities.

Go to Statistics.

Select the Statistics tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

View Overview reports.

Depending on which tools were included in your site, the Overview page of Statistics may display summary reports for the following (select a link below to go to an article with more detailed information on each report):

  1. Visits: How many times people have visited (accessed) the site.
  2. Activity: Events related to various activities in your site.  By default, events included in the Activity section's count occur in the following tools (you can select additional tools in the Statistics Preferences):
    • Resources
    • Site Settings
  3. Resources: How many files were opened, and which file was opened the most frequently.
  4. Lesson Pages: How many lesson pages were read, and which page was accessed the most frequently.