How do I view an individual student's grades?
Instructors can view each student's grade report in two formats:
- Grade Summary: A view of all grades (including a calculated course grade and hidden gradebook items) presented in a similar format to how the Gradebook displays for students.
- Student Review Mode: A preview of the student's view of Gradebook.
Choose how to view the steps.
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Gradebook.

Select the Gradebook tool from the tool menu of your site.
Select the student.

Select the student's name.
View Grade Summary.
The Grade Summary screen includes two tabs:
- Grade Summary (displayed by default),
- Student Review Mode.
Both tabs display a student's grade report in a similar format to how the Gradebook displays for the student; however:
- The Grade Summary tab displays all of the student's grades, including a calculated course grade and grades for gradebook items not currently released to students.
- The Student Review mode is a preview of the Gradebook as it displays for the student.
Tip: The Grade Summary offers the same options available to students for sorting their grades. For additional information, see How do I view my grades in the Gradebook?
Example: Grade Summary and Student Review Mode tabs.
In the example pictured above, the Grade Summary tab includes:
- The student's calculated Course Grade: B+ (88.74%)
- A gradebook item, In-Class Quiz, which is not currently released to students.
The Student Review Mode omits both the Course Grade and the hidden assignment because they have not been released to students.
Print a student's grades.
Select the Print button to print the current view of the student's grade report (either Grade Summary or Student Review Mode).
Access another student's Grade Summary.
On the Grade Summary tab, select the Previous Student or Next Student link to access the Grade Summary for the previous or next student listed in the gradebook.
Note: Only one of these links is available if you are viewing the Grade Summary for the first or last student in the list.