How do I create a citation list in Resources or File Drop?
You can create a citation list for a books, journal articles, manuscripts, newspapers or musical compositions in Resources or File Drop. Citations can be added to a list by:
Add a citation by importing an RIS file.
Go to Resources or File Drop.

Select Resources or File Drop from the tool menu in your site.
Select Actions, then Create Citation List.

- To the right of the folder where you would like to place the citation list, select the Actions menu.
- Select Create Citation List.
Note: On mobile devices or small screens, the Actions menu displays as a down arrow icon.
Enter a name for the citation list and select Import.

- Enter a Citation List Name in the box provided.
- Select Import.
Choose a file to import.

- Select the Choose File or Browse... button, depending on your web browser.
- Locate and select the .ris citation file to upload from your computer.
- Select Open.
Select Import.

- The name of the file to import is displayed to the right of the Choose File or Browse... button, depending on your web browser.
- Select Import.
Select Done.

You will be returned to the New Citation List page with the citation you imported near the bottom of the page. Select Done to create the list.
View the citation list.

The citation list is placed in the selected folder.
Access the citation list.

Select the Name of the list to open it and display the citation(s).
Manually create a citation.
Go to Resources or File Drop.

Select Resources or File Drop from the tool menu in your site.
Select Actions, then Create Citation List.

- To the right of the folder where you would like to place the citation list, select the Actions menu.
- Select Create Citation List.
Note: On mobile devices or small screens, the Actions menu displays as a down arrow icon.
Enter a name for the citation list and select Manually Create.

- Enter a Citation List Name in the box provided.
- Select Manually Create.
Select a Citation Type.

From the Select Citation Type drop-down menu, choose the appropriate type. Options include Journal Article, Book, Book Section, Electronic Citation, Conference Proceeding, Report, Thesis and Unknown.
The selected Citation Type will determine the fields available to enter information about the citation. For example, if you select Journal Article, there are 21 types of information you can enter, including the Author(s), Article Title, Journal Title, Volume and Issue and the Start and End Page of the article. An Electronic Citation only allows you to enter the Title, Year, Source Title, Abstract, Subject(s), and Link(s).
Enter citation information.

- Enter a Title for your citation.
- Add other details as needed.
- Select Save Citation.
Tip: If the resource you are citing has more than one author, editor, subject or link, select Add another underneath the corresponding field to add another author, etc.
Select Done.

You will be returned to the New Citation List page with the citation you created near the bottom of the page. Select Done to create the list.
View the citation list.

The citation list is placed in the selected folder.
Access the citation list.

Selecting the Name of the list will open it and display the citation(s).