How do I import content from one site to another?
Use this feature when you have already created a new site and want to import materials from one of your other sites into it.
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Step-by-Step Instructions
Navigate to the site where you would like to import content.

Select the site that will be the destination for the content you are about to copy.
Go to Site Settings.

Select Site Settings from the tool menu in your site.
Select the Import from Site tab.

Select I would like to merge my data.

Selecting the option I would like to merge my data will transfer your site content WITHOUT deleting any existing content in the new site.
Tip: If you want to import the content of some tools and not keep the content that already exists in those tools in the new site, select the replace my data link instead.
Select the site(s) you from which you want to copy.

Select one or more sites with content you would like to import into the current site.
Select Continue.

Choose tool(s) from which to copy content.

- Select the tool(s) from the old site(s) that have content you'd like to copy.
- Select Finish.
Tools listed with a plus sign (+) after their names can be added to your destination site along with the content in those tools.
IMPORTANT: If your old site has links from content in one tool to another tool's content (e.g. a Lessons page contains links to items in Resources or to assignments in the Assignments tool), be sure to select ALL tools with linked content!
If you select all of the tools together, links will automatically update to point to content in the new site. If you only select the page containing the links (e.g. Lessons but not Resources or Assignments), the links in the destination site will still point to content in the old site. This means that your students in the new site would not be able to access the linked content!
- The content import process may take a while depending on how much content you have. Please wait for the process to finish.
- If you go to a tool after importing content and do not see your content, you may need to refresh the tool by selecting the tool title.
Edit and publish items in the destination site.

Many items will be imported to sites in Draft or unpublished form.
Pictured above are some Draft assignments that were imported into a site. You'll need to edit release dates on these items and Save, Publish, or Post them to make them available to participants in your new site. Depending on the tools and activities in your site, some needed updates may include the following:
- Edit draft announcements and post each announcement in the Announcements tool.
- Select Forum Settings for each draft forum in the Forums tool to post the forum, thereby making the forums and topics available to students in the site.
- Edit draft assignments, update delivery dates, and post each assignment draft in the Assignments tool. This will make the assignments available to students in the new site.
- Change the available and due dates on assessments in the Tests & Quizzes tool and publish them.
- Optionally, you may want to edit items in your site’s Gradebook tool to release them to students, as you deem appropriate.
Tip: Use Date Manager in Site Settings to edit dates for items in tools, such as Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, Discussions, and more, on one page. See How do I use the Date Manager to edit dates for items across tools in the site?