How do I email a forum post author?
This outlines the process of contacting an author of a forum post by email.
Note: This email option allows you to send a message to the author's external email address; it does not use any UVACollab tool to send the message. You must have appropriate permissions in the site to be able to send email to the author of a forum post.
Go to Discussions.

Select Discussions from the Tool Menu in your site.
Choose a topic.

Click on the title of a topic to access the topic.
Note: Topics are indented underneath the forum where they are located.
Select the Conversation.

Select the title of a conversation where the person to whom you want to send email has posted a message.
Select the Email button.

If you have permission to send email to those who post in Forums, an Email button will be available with each message. Select the Email button associated with one of the person's messages.
Note: When you click on the Email button, your default email software will open to allow you to compose a message.