How do I use the Date Manager to edit dates for items across tools in the site?
Site Administrators can update dates for items across many tools in their site using Date Manager. This can be especially helpful if you copied a previous site for a new semester. This feature will allow you to edit dates for items in tools, such as Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, Discussions, and more, on one page. For example, you could update the open and due dates for all assignments and assessments for the upcoming semester.
Go to Site Settings.

Select Site Settings from the tool menu in your site.
Select Date Manager.

Select a tool name to expand its section and view items within that tool.
Note: Each tool may have different date options available depending upon the individual item settings and capabilities of the tool.
Select the calendar icon next to a date field to choose a new date.

- Select the calendar icon next to a date field to choose a new date and time in the date-picker window.
- Select Done in the date-picker window when you have chosen a date and time.
For more information about each of the dates you can revise in Date Manager, see the help articles below:
- In Assignments, you can edit the Open Date, Due Date, and Accept Until Date for each item. For more information, see How do I add an assignment?
- In Tests & Quizzes, you can edit the Available Date and Due Date for each item. If you have enabled late submissions for an assessment, you can edit the Accept Until Date. If you have chosen to show feedback on a certain date for an assessment, you can edit the Show Feedback Date and Hide Feedback Date. For more information, see What are the Availability and Submissions options for an assessment?
- In Sign Up, you can edit the Start Date and End Date for each item. For more information, see How do I create a meeting?
- In Gradebook, you can edit the Due Date for any manually added items. For more information, see How do I edit or delete a gradebook item? To edit dates for gradebook items from Assignments, Discussions, or Tests & Quizzes, open the section for the appropriate tool in Date Manager.
- In Resources, you can edit the Show From Date and the Show Until Date for each item. For more information, see How do I set the display of a Resources item to a specific time period?
- In Calendar, you can edit the Start Date and End Date for each event. For more information, see How do I add items to the Calendar?
- In Discussions, you can edit the Open Date and Close Date for each forum and topic if you chose to specify dates for the item to open or close. For more information, see How do I create a forum? or How do I create a topic?
- In Announcements, you can edit the Start Date and End Date for each item. For more information, see How do I add an announcement?
- In Lessons, you can edit the Hide Until Date for each page and subpage. By entering a date, you will hide the page from non-administrators (students, waitlisted students, members, and observers) until that time.
Select Save Changes.

- To save any changes, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and select Save Changes.
- To undo any changes since the last save, select Cancel. Any changes made since the last save will be lost.
Confirm your modifications.

A window will appear listing each item that was changed. Confirm that you would like to revise these items by selecting Save Changes.
A confirmation message will appear.

A message stating, "The dates were updated successfully," will appear at the top of the page to confirm that you have saved changes.