How do I add and edit gradebook items from Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, or Lessons?
Grades for assignments and assessments can be sent directly to the Gradebook when adding or editing an assignment in the Assignments tool, configuring assessment settings in Tests & Quizzes, or creating or editing graded items in Lessons.
This article summarizes how assignments or assessments from other tools work with Gradebook and provides links to related articles describing how to add these items, enter grades, and edit or remove the gradebook items.
Add an item to Gradebook from another tool.
You can add items from Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, or Lessons to Gradebook when you create them, or you can edit items later to send their grades to the Gradebook. For more information, see:
- Assignments: How do I add an assignment? or How do I edit an existing assignment?
- Tests & Quizzes: What are the Grading and Feedback options for an assessment?
- Lessons questions: How do I add a question to a lesson page?
- Lessons comments: How do I allow comments to be posted on a lesson page?
- Lesson pages students create: How do I allow students to add content to lessons?
Grade items in other tools.
Grades from Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, and Lessons are entered and edited in the corresponding tools. For steps to grade in these tools, see:
Note: After grades are entered in Assignments, the grades must be released to students in Assignments before they will appear in the Gradebook. For more information, see How do I release assignment grades?
View grades from other items in Gradebook.

- If an item was added to the Gradebook from another tool (Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, or Lessons), an icon corresponding to that tool will display to the left of the gradebook item title:
- Paper icon: Gradebook item coming from Assignments
- Check mark icon: Gradebook item coming from Tests & Quizzes
- Open book icon: Gradebook item coming from Lesson Builder
- A padlock icon will display with each grade in the corresponding column, indicating that you must go to the appropriate tool to edit grades. For example, if the item was added from Assignments, selecting the padlock will display the message: Go to the Assignments tool to edit scores for this item.
Edit or remove Gradebook items from other tools.
How you edit a gradebook item from another tool depends on which settings you need to edit.
Gradebook items from other tools must be removed from the Gradebook in their tools of origin.
Edit item settings in Gradebook.

The following settings for gradebook items added by other tools can be edited within Gradebook:
- Category - If your Gradebook is set up with categories, you can add the item to a category, or move it to a different category.
- Release item to students? - You can make the item visible to students within Gradebook.
- Include item in course grade calculations? - Include or exclude the item's grade from the course grade calculation.
For steps to edit these settings, see: How do I edit or delete a gradebook item?
- In a gradebook with categories, items must be associated with a category to be included in the course grade calculation.
- If you disable the Release item to students? setting in Gradebook, the grades for that item may still be available to students in the original tool. For example, grades for assignments must be released to students in Assignments for their grades to appear in the Gradebook. For more information, see How do I release assignment grades?
Edit item settings in other tools and/or remove items from Gradebook.
Titles, point values, and due dates of assignments or assessments added to the Gradebook from Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, or Lessons must be edited within the tool of origin.
Editing an assignment's or assessment's settings in its tool of origin will also allow you remove the item from the Gradebook. For more information, see:
- Assignments: How do I edit an existing assignment?
- Tests & Quizzes: What are the Grading and Feedback options for an assessment?
- Lessons questions: How do I add a question to a lesson page?
- Lessons comments: How do I allow comments to be posted on a lesson page?
- Lesson pages students create: How do I allow students to add content to lessons?